Friday, January 10, 2014

Civilized & Uncivilized

Before we came up to the last exercise my professor showed us the picture of a indigenous and an american. The american is wearing coat and tie while the indigenous man is wearing only a piece of cloth. During the American Regime, American taught us what are the right and wrong of their country and until now it is all included in our daily lives. They said what are they doing is civilized and for the Filipinos it is not. Before the Spanish came to us, we already have our traditions and beliefs. So as the time passed by, this tradition and beliefs became values and conduct that we are treasuring as of the moment.

These three photos signifies the the daily routine inside and outside our home.
When we were riding on a jeep, a stranger who will sneeze without covering its mouth in inappropriate. It was disturbing and it can be pass from person to person.
The second picture was I (on the left) has headset while someone is talking. It is so much uncivilized and inappropriate.

This last picture shows, the man smoking in front of a person. The cigaretter contains many toxins and it may cause a lot to those who will in hale it. Most especially if a stranger will get your cigarette and slap it on your face! :)

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